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Join us for the 14th Annual Reviving the Passion of Preaching Conference coming this 2022. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have postponed our in-person conferences to 2022.


This Conference has two purposes:

1. To revive the passion of preaching in the preacher (God intended His called men to preach with power, passion, authority, and with an undying love for the Word); 2. To revive the passion of preaching in the people (Christians seem to have lost their love for the preaching of the Word, but this conference testifies that preaching can be captivating, exciting, and special again). This will be a time of encouragement, laughter, fellowship, personal revival, and spiritual growth.


The Lord placed this conference on my heart in 2008. It began with four preachers in a cabin at a camp, preaching to one another, praying together, and encouraging one another. Now, it has grown and the Lord is continuing to bless this conference. Sometimes, the only real help that you can find with what you are facing as a called man of God comes from those who are experiencing, or have experienced, what you are facing now. Preachers, I pray this conference will help you revive your passion for preaching the Gospel that the God of the universe has entrusted you with. People, I pray this conference will help you revive your passion for hearing the Word preached as God intended.


There will be experienced preachers, special guests, and pastors attending who can give advice, impart spiritual wisdom, and simply be an encouragement.


Thanks for your cooperation and your support. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 601-337-0236.


God Bless You and His Ministry,


Brother Joshua Spiers



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for out Bi-Weekly live show as Bro. Josh interviews other pastors about subjects that affect the church as a whole and the pulpit. The times of these shows vary, but are announced a week in advance.

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